Choosing a career for yourself can be overwhelming— it’s natural. You might have practiced Biology, Arts, or Commerce your entire life, but now you see a scalable career as a Software Developer. But you’re afraid so on how to get started from zero. But having said that, “it’s never too late to make things right“. 😉 As the demand for software developers continues to grow, many people are looking for ways to break into the industry. One popular option is a Coding Bootcamp. Let’s understand how coding boot camps are the new hacks for learning coding skills in a short span of time. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about these crash courses in coding and how they are the right fit for you.

What is a Coding Bootcamp? 🧑‍💻

Coding boot camps are intensive, immersive programs that teach people the skills they need to become software developers. They typically last a few months and cover programming languages, algorithms, and software engineering principles. Bootcamps can be an excellent option for people who are interested in becoming software developers but don’t have the time or resources to pursue a traditional four-year computer science degree. They can also be a good fit for people with experience coding but who want to level up their skills. Coding bootcamps can vary in length, but most last between 10 and 12 weeks. During that time, students will learn about different programming languages and tools and have the opportunity to work on projects. After completing a coding bootcamp, graduates will be able to apply for jobs as software developers. And with the right skills and experience, they can also become lead developers or software engineers.

Is it suitable for software developers?

As a software developer, you might wonder if a coding bootcamp is right for you. There are a few things to consider before making a decision. First, consider your career goals. If you want to be a software developer, a coding bootcamp can give you the necessary skills. However, if you’re interested in another field, such as web development or data science, you might not need a coding bootcamp. Second, think about your learning style. Coding boot camps are intense, and you’ll be learning new material at a fast pace. If you prefer a more relaxed learning environment, a bootcamp might not be suitable for you. Third, consider the cost. Bootcamps can be expensive, so make sure you’re prepared to make the investment. Finally, talk to other software developers. They can give you insights into whether or not a coding Bootcamp is right for you. As a tech enthusiast, I’m always curious about how other developers learn to code. I recently connected with a few developers who have gone through coding bootcamps and was interested in hearing their experiences. While in a conversation with Kelvin, a tech influencer on Twitter who is currently learning React in a Bootcamp. He talked about how “bootcamps can give you direction of how your studies should be Content-wise” irrespective of setting unrealistic timelines for your learning. Harsh Kashiwal, Software Developer Bootcamps are not only about quick learning with unclear basics and foundations. In fact, more about learning under the mentorship of experts with the right set of standard resources made available to you. If you’re considering a coding bootcamp, take the time to research your options and make sure it’s the right fit for you.

Wondering about when to start a coding bootcamp?

Bootcamps are the new form of tech education. The world is growing fastest in terms of innovation, and who runs the innovation: Of course, CODERS! Coding Bootcamps are advisable as early as possible. The world has moved past “A for apple.” Students should grow analytical thinking skills from the day they start developing their brains. An early adopter is always a better coder.

Major skills required in coding bootcamp

Coding boot camps are an excellent way to become a software developer. However, there are certain skills that are essential for success in these programs. Here are the major skills required in coding boot camps:

#1. Strong foundation in computer science

Coding boot camps require a strong foundation in computer science. Students need to be able to understand algorithms and data structures in order to be successful.

#2. Proficiency in a programming language

In order to be successful in a coding boot camp, students need to be proficient in at least one programming language. This will allow them to write code that is efficient and meets the requirements of the project.

#3. Attention to detail

Coding boot camps require students to pay attention to detail. They need to be able to identify errors in their code and fix them. This attention to detail is essential in becoming a successful software developer.

#4. Time management skills

Coding boot camps require students to complete projects in a certain amount of time. Therefore, time management skills are essential. Students need to be able to plan their time wisely in order to complete the project on time.

#5. Communication Skills

Coding boot camps also require students to communicate with their team. They need to be able to explain their code and discuss any problems they are having. Communication skills are essential in any field, and programming is no different.

But, are there any job opportunities available? 🤔

The answer is yes! There are plenty of job opportunities available for coding bootcamp graduates. In fact, many employers are actively seeking out candidates with coding bootcamp experience. Recently, I was running through my email box, wherein I subscribed to a few bootcamp institutions for my nephew to join & what caught my eye was the number of students who bagged offers from top companies with such a lucrative package. See for yourself, Coding Ninja, an online learning platform, offered placement from FAANG companies for 5000+ alumni in May’2022 So if you’re looking for a career in software development, don’t let the cost of a coding bootcamp deter you. The investment will definitely pay off in the long run. Now that you’re ready to apply to a coding bootcamp, we’ve done the research for you, so you don’t have to waste time googling the best bootcamps. Keep on reading below 👇


Looking for a top-rated coding bootcamp? Look no further than Techelevator! With over a 96% job placement rate, our 12-week intensive program will set you up for success as a software developer. Plus, their dedicated career services team will help you land your dream job.


If you’re looking to learn how to code, Codingdogo is a great place to start. They offer courses for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students. Whether you want to learn how to build websites, apps, or software, they have a course for you. The entire syllabus is designed to teach you the skills you need to start a career in coding. And their experienced instructors are available to answer any questions you have along the way.


With over 1,000 hours of content, Springboard‘s bootcamp-style courses are designed to get you job-ready in just 12 weeks. Springboard offers a free introductory course, so you can try it out before committing to a paid program. And with a success rate of over 90%, you can be confident you’re making a smart investment in your future.


Flatironschool’s coding course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to be a successful software engineer. You’ll learn how to code, work with databases, and more. And because the course is taught by experienced software engineers, you’ll get top-notch instruction. Another great thing about the course is that it’s flexible. You can choose to study online or in person, and you can study at your own pace. So if you’re unsure if you’re ready to commit to a full-time course, this could be a great option.

General Assembly

GA’s bootcamp offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything from the basics of web development to more advanced topics like data structures and algorithms. The course is also designed to give you plenty of opportunities to practice your coding skills through projects and exercises.

App Academy

App Academy has a great job placement rate, so you can be confident that you’ll be able to find a great job after completing the course. The course is demanding, but you’ll come out of it with the skills and knowledge to get a great job in the tech industry.


SheCodes teaches coding skills to busy women. Highly recommended by over 90,000+ women, SheCodes is committed to closing the gender gap in the tech programming industry by empowering women with the necessary knowledge to succeed in today’s technological world.

Brain Station

BrainStation is the global leader in digital skills training, empowering businesses and brands to succeed in the digital age. BrainStation has worked with over 500 instructors from the most innovative companies, developing cutting-edge, real-world digital education that has empowered more than 100,000 professionals and some of the largest corporations in the world.


Students from Galvanize who attended the top-tier online coding bootcamp work at some of the top tech companies: Linkedin, Microsoft, and Salesforce. They have a split payment option where you can pay the first half of tuition on day 1 of class and pay the remaining balance at the midpoint.


Now that you have plenty of options make the best out of it. Also, remember a great mentorship or a Bootcamp will only have an outcome when there is a willingness! Self-motivation is the biggest factor in getting started with any career or learning. So make sure you’re self-driven and hardworking in your attitude- success will follow the prints wherever you’ll leave 👣 You may also look at how to build your career as a software engineer.

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